These are just things I need to tell myself more often.
Things i've learnt from others and general experience.
Maybe one helps you through something as well.
Don't let life happen, try to happen with it.
As often as you can, put on ur IDGAF attitude.
ur not supposed to fix everything, that's not ur responsibility
Time is not a finite entity, until you run out of it,
i.e. you always have more, until you have none,
either way there's nothing to worry about
because you can change neither, just try your hardest.
on that note take a listen to this
(thanks manda-pants for the intro to radiohead all those years ago)
I've found that regardless of what you believe,
a smile makes some things better,
even if its only temporary,
so if something simple has you down,
forcing a smile more times than not will help,
Don't believe me? Try it out
you might just end up smiling at how dumb you look.
I've learned that I'm the only me that there is,
so there's no one i should be comparing myself to,
i'm already the best at the one thing that should matter,
being myself
and noone can out do me at that.
Being alone is not a bad thing,
don't be afraid,
this too is temporary,
as well as relative...
change the way you look at it.
(thanks dwight for posting this when i was goin tru my stuff - i wont forget)
Remember that:
social status
position in a company
income level
religious belief
is less important than the fact
that you are a person FIRST
(found this randomly on youtube - powerful)
You are also human
which means you arent perfect
you WILL make mistakes
get up and try again
u dont have to immediately
but stay down too long and ur wasting time
that could be spent positively/making a diff
Remember that:
social status
position in a company
income level
religious belief
is less important than the fact
that you are a person FIRST
(found this randomly on youtube - powerful)
You are also human
which means you arent perfect
you WILL make mistakes
get up and try again
u dont have to immediately
but stay down too long and ur wasting time
that could be spent positively/making a diff
on making mistakes
(Lesedi or sapphire i dunno if i wuda seen this other than u posting it, whoever it was thanks)
This was awesome
This is it for the while, I'm sure I'll have more to share as i continue living...yeah
so stay tuned, and share my blog :D aight?