Jan 7, 2013

The unprepared

Haven't been blogging efficiently lately, but decided to give it another try this year.
YES...it has been about a year :/

So I did a collaborative wall mural thingie of sorts with Kriston Banfield
He called me up and asked me if I wanted to do one and I said hells yeah!
Later - at the location  asked him what his concept was, he said, since it was by a river bank he was considering painting a man on a boat - so that when the river rises it looks like the boat is on the water. I thought that was pretty cool, he was prepared.

I, on the other hand, was not, so i decided to draw a couple guys being overpowered by the water, some drowning men - sort of a metaphor that he was prepared and I wasnt, so the piece came together pretty awesome.

Here's some of the pics I took, he may have more.

starting - chalk outlines
Kriston fiilling in the colour of his part
One of my finished drowning people
Kriston and his finished boat man
The almost completed piece